Godzilla Attacks Mormon Temple In Japan & Has An Epic Battle With Angel Moroni!

Fukuoka, Japan – Godzilla just attacked the Japanese Mormon temple. Japan warned the Mormons that Godzilla was territorial of that area. Top church officials are now rethinking the whole dinosaur thing. “Maybe, we were wrong about the dinosaurs.” Said, Zachariah Hyrum Smith. Smith is a spokesman at the church and was also a science major […]
Breaking News: Stolen Angel Moroni Statue Recovered

Magna, Utah – The Angel Moroni statue stolen from the Salt Lake City LDS temple has been recovered. The statue was removed from the Utah temple just before dusk last night. A heavily modified drone with laser cutting abilities was used to remove Moroni from the top of the building. The golden angel was found […]
Breaking News!: Angel Moroni Stolen From The Salt Lake City, Utah Mormon Temple

Salt Lake City, Utah – Around sunset last night a large drone removed the golden Angel Moroni from the top of the Salt Lake City Mormon Temple. Witnesses claim that the drone used a green laser to cut and remove the statue from the top of the building. Some sort of suction cup was deployed […]
Snoop Dogg Joins The Mormon Church

DIAMOND BAR, California (AP) — In what some may consider an unexpected move, rap artist “Snoop Dogg” has reportedly converted to Mormonism after nearly a year of study with the fast-growing, Utah-based faith. {PHOTO CAPTION: Snoop Dogg says he “can’t get enough of the Book of Mormon.”} In a statement, a spokeswoman for Snoop Dogg […]