Pineview Reservoir, Utah- If you like to swim at Pineview Reservoir, Tiger Muskies biting your toes are the least of your problems. Bull sharks were illegally introduced into the freshwater lake, and they are thriving!

Bull sharks are notorious for swimming out of the salty ocean and venturing out and venturing hundreds of miles up freshwater rivers. They can easily adapt to the change. With Pineviews unique ecosystem, the sharks evolved, adapted and are at the top of food chain.
The bad news is… There have been recent shark attacks and sharks are literally snapping Tiger Muskies in half.
Harry Manwood, a Bountiful man was one of the sharks latest victims.
“Swimming will be closed for the summer until we completely drain the reservoir and get rid of the sharks” Said, Red Peters of the DWR.
Anglers are allowed to catch as many as you want. But you must kill the invasive species.
I’ve not seen your site before so I’m wondering how accurate this is. I’m an avid shark lover and am not comfortable with the killing of the sharks
Seriously lady! Go swim there and then get comfortable. After your attacked let’s see how comfortable you are then! It’s an invasive species! And I’m sure thousands and thousands of dollars should be spent to take it back to the ocean? Holly Crap! You suck!
Besides your a dope if you have to ask wether this article is a joke or not! Harry Manwood? Red Peters? How stupid can you be?!
I am a shark lover as well. I am also disspointed with removing the sharks since we’re already killing millions per year. Without sharks, since they’re at the top of the food chain, the ocean ecosystem would crash
Well Tiffany, if indeed Bull Sharks were introduced to Pineview Reservoir, that would be horrible. But yes they should be caught and saved and transferred to oceans were they belong, if feasible, but if not absolutely killed to protect the people who swim, boat, fish in a FRESH WATER , dam where there as NEVER been any kind of sharks since dam was created. So for the freaks who put the sharks in the Dam, it is on them is the sharks need to be killed
I grew up with sharks in Hawaii and also don’t believe in killing them in the ocean after an attack, but when they become an invasive animal that could disrupt a natural eco system, I’m more understanding about it.
They never belonged in Pineview and if they stay, they will destroy the order of the animals in the reservoir.
Such bull crap. I live by this lake. No shark attacks no sharks . Absolute bullshit article
What a bunch of Bull…
How about you change your attitude and try to preserve these sharks, spend a few quid and appreciate the beauty of these creatures!
After all, someone has encouraged them to be there!
Make them fit the bill!
Put them back where they are supposed to be!
Do the right thing!
You douchebag! The world is better off without you! The shark probably would survive the reassignment. After a long day of golf at Schneiters bluff a dip in the resavoir is exactly what the doctor ordered and I’m supposed to share? You want to shut down pineview for a year or two until they say it’s safe again! Thank god this article is a joke, cuz if it wasn’t and voices like yours are heard your responsible for the death or the attacks equal to the shark you moron!
And that pun by the “this is a bunch of bull” guy. Very good!
Spend a few quid mate? are you bloody shtewpid bruv
This shit about sharks and giant muskies at pineview is a bunch of bullshit. Idk if u get off on trying to scare people out of the water or what. But your a lying bullshiting coward.
I took a late drive up to Pineview Last night and I ran into Bigfoot riding one of this so call Bullsharks. l ask him what he was up to and he responded with I am getting ready for the Ogden Pioneer Days.
LOL, LOL, LOL!!! I can’t stop laughing, but.., I’m not going to Pineview to ski, until I can get more info. Let’s try Utah Fish& Gameeee
I call bullshit on this post. Show us some proof to this article.
BS, thats photoshopped. here’s the original.×826.jpg
do research and don’t believe everything you read.
Please do not kill the sharks. Someone illegally introduced the sharks there and it is not their fault they are there. Something needs to be done to move the sharks safely back to their home. Have a heart please. If we keep being destructive to our environment there are not going to be anything left for your future generations to see.
upon looking at this information further, this site and story is fake.
While this story appears fake you might wanna do some research into bull sharks. One has been found as far away from the ocean as Illinois! They have a gland that traps salt which allows them to swim a long time in fresh water.
Or maybe just look up some River Monsters episodes about them.
O love animals with my potatoes and gravy.
It is real
Seriously, obviously a joke but when people who don’t know it’s a joke come in a say crap like save the shark aught to be arrested for cyber stupidity and sentenced to swimming in pineview for a month. In January! A month of terror aught to teach them the stupid errors of that particular liberal philosophy.
The only place I saw this article,was “” . If this really happened,wouldn’t you expect it to go national,with the national news outlets?
I too am an avid shark lover and advocate. We should all spend time organizing knitting circles so that we can knit waist long tail fin warmers for all of these poor victimized creatures; next I believe we should plead with Nancy Palosi to explore the possibility of repetitions for all the inconvenience we’ve caused these lovable defenseless kittens of the sea.
Actually all you fagots are retards because I watch Rick and Morty and I am smarter you are dumb
OMG, the comments are funnier than the story. While the bull shark is in fact capable of living in fresh water, they have never been found in Utah waters, they would never survive the onslaught of the hoard’s of helicoprion shark’s that the various city and religious leaders of the state have been breeding as a personal army since the creatures were discovered by Utah’s founding fathers. Becides that, the shark’s would never be that easy to find. A secret army of prehistoric shark’s with buzz saw shaped teeth would be and are deeply classified. I happen to know for a fact that they also have a living, breeding pair of megalodon, just ready to be weaponized, at the first signs of any kind of outside threat. Happy dreams as you process that citizens of Utah.😁🤣🦈
Derrek you need to calm the f down. We know this is not real. I personally own a beach house on pineview and I can assure there are no sharks. Only small tiger muskies. Thanks for the bs callings.
Shark meat can be delicious. Be sure to soak your steaks in the fridge overnight in lime juice. Old Bahama recipe. Next day lightly bread and bake at 400 degrees in your oven. Don’t let good shark go to waste. Hint, the smaller ones are softer meat.
So. I grew up in Davis County after moving from Minnesota (Muskee/Pike capital). Went to HS in Hawaii for 2 years. Pineview was the local hangout in summer. I’ve SEEN the Pike in that lake…they could eat a Minnesota Pike (lol)…but I can tell you RIGHT NOW, there are NO bullsharks in Pineview…just BullSHIT! First of all, Bull’s would have to be transported here (not happenin)…unless you were a biologist with the right equipment (and everybody would know) to get it here (even as a pup) from the Pacific Coast (if you could even find a Bull this far east of warmer waters) it would die in these waters as soon as winter passed through. Powell, Bear Lake are the deepest lakes around here. Pineview can ice over completely as low as its been in past years. Pike can thrive here…but not a shark. This has also been proven a myth by experts.
Shut the fuck up jase say that to legless nephew. Pull your heads out of the sand the brineshrimp would not lie to us.